I was just thinking the other day about nicknames and in my near 21 years of life I have had a LOT of them. All of which were pretty weird.Obviously, Bella is what I usually go by, but I have answered to a good many of other things too. Some inside jokes, some endearing, but mostly just nonsense. I thought it might be interesting to share some of them (the ones I can remember!) with you.

My NICKNAMES, in no particular order...
  • Scooter
  • Bellachka
  • Bell
  • Buddha Belly
  • Belly Button 
  • Bellarussia
  • Baby Bella Mushroom (and anything else sounding remotely like Bella)
  • Frog
  • 'Shroom
  • Fungus
  • BuhIsPig (my cousin, based on a long story, referred to me as a pig as a baby...)
  • BelaKiss
  • Chris
  • JimBobJo
  • Scarpacci
  • Tom
  • Jacky Isa Rogue/Jro
  • Aisling
  • Nutella
  • Newt
  • Maeve
  • Queen of Heart-Breakers
  • Ms. Scarlet Ramone
  • BellaBing
  • Thrella (because I sign my name like 3ella. B without a line)
  • IKC (I have super unfortunate initials)
  • Baby Sea Otter
  • Ardent....
...There are probably like 3 trillion more which I am forgetting. I just know it.

Currently I only go by a few of those (not because I necessarily want to but because people insist on calling me them. Like Newt. Do I like it? Maybe not. But out of habit, I respond).

The only thing (well...there are more but...) people CANNOT call me is Izzy/Issy. It simply is not acceptable. And only JoJo can get away with calling me "Little IKC".

Feel free to comment and share your nicknames with me! Or just feel free to laugh at mine!

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