Who is a mentor?

A mentor is like a father unto a son.

He has seen what works, what fails, need to keep learning.

Brings up the son from childhood.

Is not afraid or ashamed of the stupid questions the son ask as a child.

That's what we will be dealing with here today.

Some bloggers call such questions blogger tips for dummies.

You're not a dummy.

You're a child.

It is said ''he who knows that he knows not is a child teach him and he who knows not that he knows not is a fool let him go.''

The question of a child sounds like that of a dummy.

We're going to start a blogger account today from scratch.

All questions, see it grow until you become a money making machine.

Blogger is owned by google.

It is similar to a website but that it's hosted by google and it's free.

If you have a gmail account, you can go ahead and create a blog.

If not you will need to create 1.

 Google has implemented a new blogger interface.

A beta version.

If you're still with the old interface (alpha version) then try to take the new 1.

You have an option to revert to the old interface.

We will be working here today with the beta version.

We are going to be answering the most common questions like: -

- How to create a new blog post.

- How to add a link to a blog post.

- How to create an ancor text to a blog post.

- How to add wadgets to blogger.

- How to add pictures to blogger.

- How to add a youtube video to blogger.

- How to add adsense to blogger post.

- How to edit a blog post.

So if you're a sex machine on blogger, then this is not for you.

Don't quarrel me in the comment section.

Once you just create a blog or blogs, this will be your front page.

 - The brown arrow will lead to a page to create new blogs.

You have a total of 100 blogs you can create.

 - The Red arrow will lead you to a page where you can create a new blog post.

On this page:-

> The dark brown arrow will lead you to where you can add an html file like a youtube video or other html codes like a meta tag.

 > The light brown arrow indicates your post title.

> The black arrow will give you an option to add a link.

If you want to create an anchor text like say how to make people visit my new blog then highlight the text and click where the black arrow is indicating.

All you need to do is press down on your right click mouse and move it slowly over the text until all the area is highlighted.

> The green arrow will lead you to a window where you can upload images either from your computer or from the web.

 You can add your own links to the uploaded images by just highlighting it then click on the black arrow.

You also have an option to add captions which can be keywords say ''how to make people visit my new blog''

 > The red arrow you can add a video.

You can upload it directly from youtube or from your computer.

 > The blue arrow is known as your body.

 - The Yellow arrow will lead you to a page where you can edit, view, share, or delete a post.

- The green arrow is a drop down menu where you will fine the following.

 What's new here?

> Pages.

Is just another way of creating a new blog post.

> Comments is to see the number of comments and those still awaiting moderation.

> Google+

Here you have an option to add a google+ comment box or see how many google +1s your posts have.

 > Stats.

The stat tap will lead you to this window

 < Here you will be able to see your pageviews.

< Traffic sources.

< Audience.

> Earnings.

Google blogger offers an option where you can make money from google adsense and amazon.

I'm a profie so I no longer use these option.

I sell my own stuffs.

> Campaigns.

That's if you're into google adwords.

> Layout.

This will lead you here.

 < Favicon (blue arrow)

You have an option to change the original blogger logo.

Just search for a favicon generation tool and you will have an option to create your own customise blog logo.

As you will fine in all my blogs.

< Red arrow.

You're able to add adsense within post.

Make show to check the box.

Show Ads Between Posts.

< Add gadgets (black arrow)

You can choose from the million of gadgets blogger has.

Don't add all of these since it will slow your blog and people will see you as a kid.

Choose you a few that are relevant to your blog.

You also have an option to add an html code if you click the section html/javascript.

> Template

Will lead you here

 < Customize

I have never been there since I like it simple.

Here you will fine the following.

 < edit html

Will lead you here

Don't be scared of the codes

They're just web codes developed by web developers that's why I like using the 1 originally developed by blogger web developers.

Here you have the option to insert second party web developers template.

It's a risk since some of them can be poorly developed causing you allot of broken links and even possible white page.

You have the possibility to edit this templates.

Don't fool around though.

It's like the heart of blogger.

Make sure you know what you're doing.

Since any mistakes can damage your whole blog.

To search for pieces of codes use this strg + f.

That's on a German keyboard.

On any other keyboard, that's the button just below the left second function.

< The brown arrow is to check if your blog is mobile friendly.

< Last but not least, green arrow are the free templates offered by blogger.

> Settings.

If you dare click on this tap, you will land here.

< Pink arrow.

You can add a customized descriptions which can be very important when it comes to seo (search engine optimization)

< Click on the blue arrow if you want to know how to import, export or delete a blog.

- Blue arrow.

Is just to view your blog.

Try to see its performance on all the browsers like chrome, opera, firefox, internet explorer.

To make sure it's performing well on all these different browsers.

- Black arrow is to see your pageviews.

Tell you how many people have actually tried to open your blog.

- Pink arrow.

Is just the number of blogs I'm following.

That's it on creating your 1st blog post and making your blog ready for the world.

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