Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.4.5
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM193
Selected model: H790
Please, put the phone into download mode manually (Power phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect the cable).
Reading info...
Model ID: LGH790
IMEI: 353626-07-3XXXXX-9
Android version:
Battery level: 70%
SW Version: LGH790AT-00-V10f-NXS-XXX-OCT-0
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LGH790AT-00-V10f-NXS-XXX-OCT-03-2015-32G-MDA89E-US
Android version: 6.0
LAF Version: 1.2
Product ID: PT02S151003000797
IMEI: 353626-07-3XXXXX-9
Target operator: GOOGLE
Reading partitions...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...OK
Resetting screen lock successfully completed!
Performed by 2.4.5 Software version.
Lg nexus H790 Frp Reset done
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