12:34:38 - Device disconnected
12:35:20 - Selected FTF pattern: null
12:35:30 - RemovePattern: No device connected!
12:35:55 - DownloadFlash: Reading the list of devices...
12:36:36 - DownloadFlash: Reading the list of devices...
12:36:49 - Download: trying to dowload pattern unlocker for ST26a
12:36:49 - Donwload job finished!
12:36:49 - Downloading pattern ftf for ST26a...
12:36:50 - Download finished for ST26a
12:37:22 - Device connected in flash mode
12:37:23 - Selected FTF pattern: C:\Users\LuisinhoCell\.sonyflasher\firmwares\ST26a_pattern.ftf
12:37:23 - Decrypting ftf pattern...
12:37:23 - Selected Bundle for ST26a. FW release : . Customization : pattern
12:37:23 - Preparing files for flashing
12:37:23 - Please connect your device into flashmode.
12:37:24 - Opening device for R/W
12:37:24 - Reading device information
12:37:24 - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
12:37:24 - Opening TA partition 2
12:37:24 - Current device : ST26a - BY900BBY64 - 1270-0747_R3E - 1263-8752_11.2.A.0.31 - WORLD-a_11.2.A.0.31
12:37:24 - Closing TA partition
12:37:24 - Start Flashing
12:37:24 - Processing loader.sin
12:37:24 - Checking header
12:37:24 - Flashing data
12:37:27 - Loader : S1_Root_a8a4 - Version : R5D030 / Boot version : R10D030 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
12:37:27 - Max packet size set to 64K
12:37:27 - Making a TA backup
12:37:27 - Opening TA partition 1
12:37:27 - Start Dumping TA partition 1
12:37:28 - Finished Dumping TA partition 1
12:37:28 - TA partition 1 saved to C:\Users\Luisi
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