Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box Samsung software version 2.4.2
Platform: Samsung Android
Selected port: COM1
Selected model: SM-G928T
Selected file: C:\Users\User\Desktop\SM-G928T_352962070739540.cert
Detected phone model: SM-G928T
Firmware compiled date: Mon Aug 29 20:25:06 KST 2016
PDA version: G928TUVS4DPH2
CSC version: G928TTMB4DPH2
SW version: unknown
Phone SN: R58GA276Q3D
Android version: 6.0.1 (MMB29K)
Sales code: TMB
Country: USA
HW platform: exynos5
HW Chip: exynos7420
HW Modem: unknown
Codename: zenltetmo
Checking Root:
Phone is Rooted.
Reading security backup, please wait...
Backup saved as C:\Program Files (x86)\Octoplus\Octoplus_Samsung\BACKUP\Security-SM-G928T-Unknown14-11-2016_16-08-21-.asec file
Checking Certificate file...
Certificate file successfully checked
Deactivating MSL...
Executing exploit...
Exploit has been executed successfully
Writing Certificate...
Certificate has been written successfully
Please, restart the phone to apply changes
Performed by 2.4.2 Software version.
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